
Performance Module

Record the vital signs of your trainees during the training and create fact-based exercise recommendations.

The Performance Module of the Refense VR training system records vital signs during training, providing valuable data for evaluating and planning future sessions. In beta, the module is being improved with input from selected partners, and focuses on stress, tension, and performance/reaction capability. Analysis of this data allows clients to better track and report on training successes, and to design even more targeted sessions.

The module focuses on recording and evaluating key vital signs. This includes:

  • Stress: Long-term analysis of training development and review/identification of situational stress mental disorders after real missions.
  • Tension: To measure reactions in the context of the scenario, but also in varying team constellations.
  • Performance and reaction capability: As an assessment test for special assignments or for leadership functions in teams.

By utilizing the Performance Module, professionals can achieve a higher level of proficiency and readiness, ensuring that they are fully prepared for the most demanding situations.

The performance module is used to record stress, tension and reaction capacity data, which should help to design targeted training concepts and plans.